Why Do Some People Reject Christ?

FQ 1

Q: Why are there some people that reject Christ? A: We can understand why there are some that reject God in the flesh by looking at what happened 2,000 years ago.

Is the Bible Really the Word of God?

ahnsahnghong in the bible

Q: Is the Bible really the word of God? A: Although the Bible was composed in different historical situations and times, a crucial point stands out: it is God who inspired all the prophets to write the Bible.

Bible Studies About God the Mother

god the mother heavenly wedding banquet

Q: Where can I attend Bible study about God the Mother? A: The World Mission Society Church of God stands as the only church believing in and teaching about God the Mother through the Bible.

The New Covenant


Q: What is the New Covenant and why should I keep it? A: Two thousand years ago, over a period of three years, Jesus Christ preached the gospel and established the New Covenant—the new ways to keep the laws of God.

Anacostia River Area Cleanup Hosted by ASEZ WAO

ASEZ WAO Anacostia Area River Cleanup

On November 8, 50 members from ASEZ WAO continued their Reduce Plastic campaign in Washington, DC. The group partnered with Anacostia Riverkeeper in Kenilworth Park for the Anacostia River cleanup. Residents visit the park for its stunning scenery and fascinating history. Recently, the area has become polluted with trash. The volunteers were eager to remove […]

Rock Creek Park Cleanup Hosted by ASEZ WAO

ASEZ WAO Rock Creek Park Cleanup

On June 13, 50 ASEZ WAO volunteers came together for their Rock Creek Park cleanup in the heart of the nation’s capital. The cleanup was in line with ASEZ WAO’s global No More Great Pacific Garbage Patch campaign. Also, volunteers educated the community on the impact plastic has on the environment. Rock Creek Park is […]

Father’s Day Park Cleanup

world mission society church of god fathers day cleanup washington dc 0339

Families celebrated Father’s Day 2017 a little differently, taking the time out of their morning to clean up litter and debris from Kenilworth Park.

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