ASEZ WAO means “Let us become one family and save the world from the beginning to the end.” Church of God young professionals launched this volunteer group to unite all people, starting from their workplaces, to improve the world through education and taking action.


ASEZ WAO, the young adult professionals volunteer group from the World Mission Society Church of God, takes a proactive approach in organizing volunteer service activities. Focused on tackling concerns such as climate change and pollution, their primary objective is to make a positive impact. Volunteers dedicate themselves to inspiring their peers and colleagues to embrace sustainable practices, aspiring to generate a widespread influence for the better.

Actively engaging in a range of community initiatives, they tailor their efforts to suit the distinctive requirements of each area they serve. ASEZ WAO is committed to making a difference by addressing environmental issues and promoting a culture of sustainability through hands-on volunteer work and advocacy.

Let's take action for humankind and the Earth in Mother’s love!

Signatures of Support for Achieving the SDGs

In 2015, United Nations Member States adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that all countries agreed to achieve by 2030. ASEZ WAO plans to raise awareness, act and partner for change to help accomplish the SDGs.

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Reduce Plastic Use Campaign

Single-use plastic has seamlessly integrated into our daily routines, offering convenience at a cost to the environment. In response, ASEZ WAO volunteers are actively working to raise awareness regarding the adverse impacts of plastic on the environment. You can contribute to the cause through: 

Tabling Events 


Panel Discussions 


DIY Upcycling Events 

Join us in the collective effort to minimize plastic usage and make a positive impact on the environment. 

Mother’s Forest

ASEZ WAO volunteers are hands-on participants in the Mother’s Forest campaign, actively planting trees throughout the community. Volunteers are committed to expanding green spaces, recognizing the essential role trees play in combating climate change. Planting more trees is a key strategy to lower greenhouse gas levels, which promotes a healthier environment for all. Connect with ASEZ WAO to participate in this impactful initiative as we collaborate to build a sustainable and resilient future. 

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Green Workplace Campaign

Make a difference in the environment right from your workplace! ASEZ WAO volunteers actively engage in the Green Workplace campaign, partnering with employers to promote eco-friendly habits. They collectively contribute to the fight against climate change in the workplace by inspiring their colleagues to conserve electricity, water, and choose sustainable materials. Participate with ASEZ WAO in creating a greener and more sustainable work environment. 

Featured Activities


The New Covenant

Q: What is the New Covenant and why should I keep it? A: Two thousand years ago, over a period of three years, Jesus Christ preached the gospel and established the New Covenant—the new ways to keep the laws of God.

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Longing for Eternity

Life is full of difficulties, leading many to question why God allows suffering. However, this suffering provides hope for eternal happiness in heaven, rather than just temporary pleasure on earth.

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