The Spirit and the Bride

We must believe in God the Father and God the Mother, who have come as the Spirit and the Bride, so we can receive eternal life.
Heavenly Mother

The teaching of Heavenly Mother may appear new to some, however, the Bible’s description of the family system clearly unveils Her presence and existence.
God the Mother and Eternal Life

In the Bible, God makes a special promise to His people. What exactly is this promise that God wants to give us?
Elohim: God the Father and God the Mother

Elohim, the most frequently used term for God in the original Hebrew Bible, appears over 2,500 times, translating to “Gods” in English.
Female Image of God

Through all of creation, God teaches us about the existence of the female image of God. It was God’s will that life in all living organisms come from mothers.
Jerusalem Mother

The World Mission Society Church of God believes in God the Mother. Even the Disciples who followed Jesus Christ in the early church testified about Jerusalem God the Mother.
God the Mother

The Bible says that the Jerusalem above, the Heavenly Jerusalem, is God our Mother.
Second Coming Christ and Last Judgment

Explore the biblical truth about Second Coming Christ and the Last Judgment—distinct events foretold in Scripture.
Second Coming Jesus and the New Name

God divided His plan of salvation into three ages—the age of the Father, the age of the Son and the age of the Holy Spirit—and for each of these ages, He appears as the Savior with a different name.
Second Coming Christ and the Lesson of the Fig Tree

Jesus said we had to learn the lesson of the fig tree to know when He would come to this Earth a second time in the flesh.