Heavenly Family & God the Mother

Heavenly Family & God the Mother

The Bible’s Answer to the Question, “Is There Really God the Mother in the Bible?” All churches agree on referring to God as “Father” regardless of their denomination. Throughout history, mankind has worshiped and believed in only one God, God the Father, but the Bible has repeatedly taught us that for mankind to receive life and enter the eternal kingdom of heaven, the existence of God the Mother is essential.

God the Mother Is Clearly Seen Through Everything God Made God created the fish of the sea, the animals of the land, the birds of the sky, the world of plants, and even humans to receive life through a mother, intending for us to realize God the Mother who gives life through the providence of all things.

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”  Revelation 4:11

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.  Genesis 1:27

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Heavenly Family & God the Mother

The Bible’s Answer to the Question, “Is There Really God the Mother in the Bible?”
All churches agree on referring to God as “Father” regardless of their denomination.
Throughout history, mankind has worshiped and believed in only one God, God the Father,
but the Bible has repeatedly taught us that for mankind to receive life
and enter the eternal kingdom of heaven, the existence of God the Mother is essential.

FQ 1

Why Do Some People Reject Christ?

Q: Why are there some people that reject Christ? A: We can understand why there are some that reject God in the flesh by looking at what happened 2,000 years ago.

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Is the Bible Really the Word of God?

Q: Is the Bible really the word of God? A: Although the Bible was composed in different historical situations and times, a crucial point stands out: it is God who inspired all the prophets to write the Bible.

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Bible Studies About God the Mother

Q: Where can I attend Bible study about God the Mother? A: The World Mission Society Church of God stands as the only church believing in and teaching about God the Mother through the Bible.

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